Points of Interest

near Lech Zürs

If you would like to explore the area by car or motorbike, the area around Lech offers wonderful possibilities. For example, explore the route of the Arlberg Classic Car Rally 2022.

Lech - Zürs - Flexenpass - Alpe Rauz - Arlbergpass - St. Christoph - St. Anton (ca. 45 min.)

Lech - Warth - Holzgau - Elbigenalp - Hahntenjoch - Imst - Landeck - Kappl - Ischgl - Galtür - Silvretta Hochalpenstraße - St. Gallenkirch - Schruns - Bludenz - Stuben - Flexenpass - Lech (day trip)

Lech - Warth - Hochtannbergpass - Au - Furkajoch - Laterns - Rankweil - Meinigen - Sennwald - Buchs - Sargans - Bad Ragaz - Landquart - Vaduz - Feldkirch - Bludenz - Stuben - Lech (day trip)

During your holiday in Lech you also have numerous opportunities to discover unique destinations in Austria, Bavaria and Switzerland. We will be happy to give you further tips on excursions in Lech and the surrounding area. Look forward to a varied vacation with us.

Goldenes Dachl, Imperial Hofburg, Imperial Court Church, Old Town, Alpine Zoo, Ambras Castle, Bergisel ski jump, Swarovski Kristallwelten Wattens, ...

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